Saturday, April 21, 2007

I went for a check-up at the dentists on Thursday and left with an extracted upper right wisdom tooth! I phoned my work in a right panic from the waiting room saying I would be longer than expected, whilst waiting for the anesthetic to take hold. It then took the dentist literally all of 10 seconds to take it out! For me, that was the best way possible way it could have happened as I would definitely have panicked for weeks if I had been given a future appointment so praise the Lord!!!!

I did have the guilts though, as it was K's birthday and I was supposed to be cooking him a gloriously delicious meal topped by a glass of wine but in the event we had a lovely evening, lolled on the sofa, eating take-away curry (me slowly on one side of my mouth) and watching a great movie, Dogtown (about how skateboarding came about). I had been worried it would just consist of loads of skating tricks but there were great storylines behind the characters.

We're out on the town tonight with Matty, his girlfriend, Karl, Pauline and others but no doubt I'll make it up to him tomorrow.

J x

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