Wednesday, February 07, 2007

London posse

My old London posse have been running rampant over my life this week so it seems.

Firstly, I randomly received emails from two good old friends from my London past last week: J currently travelling in Khazakstan and Kat, a former brit now living in Sydney and married to an Aussie whom she met in London. Was lovely to hear from them - both out of the blue

I'm yet to send any decent response as we've just got back from a few days in Cornwall celebrating another old London friend's 30th. It was great to dust off the cobwebs walking along the cliffs and K spent the weekend recuperating from the bad cold he had last week. D has certainly got some amazing friends and has well settled back into Cornish life.

On the way down we split the journey by staying with yet another old London friend in Bristol and she has plans afoot to move into a large community house. It sounds really intruiging and I will follow her new journey with interest.

I'm feeling rather like a hermit tonight ........ its so, so cold and apparently Cheshire has 10 inches of snow due tomorrow! My bet is that we'll just have more like 1 inch where I am, maybe more further out of the Greater Manchester environs and into the hills.

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